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才結束 台灣的#決戰夏日 行程 回到美國沒多久,林書豪今天早上在Facebook 宣布下個球季加入夏洛特黃蜂隊,他相信,這會是一支適合他的球隊,他會再度找到打球的樂趣。他在Facebook上也放出自己穿上黃蜂球衣的合成照,並透露新賽季將會穿回7號球衣。

林書豪在Facebook上說到「今年季外對我最重要的一件事是找到一個適合我的團隊。 一個能讓我自由自在、純粹打籃球的團隊。在我祈禱、與家人、朋友討論過後,我想要親自讓你們知道,我會加入夏洛特黃蜂。」

以下節錄部份發文:Going into my first true free agency as an NBA player this off season, the one thing that mattered to me the most was finding a team that would be a good fit for me. I wanted to be on a team where I would be able to play freely and truly play the game I love with joy again. That has always been the most important thing to me. After a LOT of prayer and long discussions with family and friends, I wanted to personally let you guys know I"ll be joining the Charlotte Hornets.

Sourse _ Jeremy Lin Facebook

Editor_ Chez


